This time given the I am which tube the guide of how to do overclock your processor - this time I'm going to make a guide for all users that want to start in the Overclock your graphics cards in a very easy and simple.
Before you start to write, I should say that I do not consider myself far from an expert on the overclock in any of their fields, simply share the little knowledge that I have and that I've learned from exploring and learning.
In what is based the do Overclock your graphics?
Simple explanation: it Is based on modifying the parameters of the GPU Clock (or also called Core Clock) and Memory Clock of our cards graphics. To understand, suppose that the GPU Clock is the head of the graphics card, and the Memory Clock would be the memory of this.
By modifying these parameters we are doing Overclock to the graphics card, by which to upload these 2 parameters increases the overall performance of the graph.
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Before you start
Before you start playing, the most important thing that you should do as many already know, is to have the drivers of the graphics card up to date, so we're going to go to the website official of our manufacturers for the excellence that are Nvidia and AMD.
Drivers for Nvidia
Drivers for Amd
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Software needed for the Overclock
Once we have our cards updated graphic using drivers it will be time to download a couple of programs that will be needed for the Overclock and check that this is well done.
The first of them that we're going to download is going to be the software that is provided by the home TechPower, this receives the name of Gpu-Z it is a program system utility that gives you information about the graphics card that the truth is very useful as it tells you practically everything that has the graph and we will use it to verify that the Overclock that we have echo figure correctly in the system.
Once you have downloaded the program what we're going to leave it open and we will proceed to download the program mother to Overclock our graphics cards, in this case by their own decision and test almost all programs to raise the frequency (Gpu Clock and Memory Clock) I will recommend to use that provides the home to Sapphire,the Sapphire TriXX.
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Alternative Software for the Overclock
I've ruled out the MSI Afterburner and other programs as well, for example, the OC Guru II from Gigabyte, because most of us use Sapphire, in addition to that, I think that is the most intuitive and the simplest to use, in addition to that I have used it all life and I have not had any problem at the time of the reading of Clock's.
If you prefer to use the other software here I leave the links of access to the direct download:
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Theory on Each Section
Now we will Install the software to Overclock that choice (I'm going to use the Sapphire TriXX).
As well all know before you learn how to do something, you have to know what we played, so I'm going to explain with my words what is each thing, to be able to proceed to practice you must know that it is what is each section.
Prior to that, when you have the program open we will see as in the foreground we get all sorts of information about our graphic, the model that is, in my case the series 7900 and a lot more information that right now we are not interested.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="623"] Sapphire[/caption]
We are going to address to the tab Overclock to proceed to explain what we are going to play, because you already know that usually before the practice, it is important that you know the theoretical.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="626"] Sapphire[/caption]
In this image we are interested in learning what it means 3 points, where there are 2 that are the most important part of the whole process and where I'm going to try to explain with my words so that up to the user but novice can understand it.
GPU Clock: As I have said at the beginning of the post, is the head in charge of carrying out the processes associated with graphics, and sometimes in the case of Nvidia's famous PshyX, the more you increase the GPU Clock more speed we will have, therefore more performance.
Memory Clock: This and the GPU Clock work the same way, but as I said before this makes the memory function to work correctly with the head, this is associated with the data bus or memory interface of the graphics.
VVDC: For more advanced users the field of the Overclock this is the most delicate and one of the most important,is the voltage of the graphics here is to have hands of lead to touch it, it is an critical choice that should not be touching because if you spend, you'll burn about the graphics and there is no turning back.
Power Limit: What does it do that is to limit the consumption of the graph, for do Overclock it would be necessary to raise it to at least +20, so that this does not hit you low FPS with the Oc the graphics are going to need a higher intake.
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Overclock to the Graphics
And now, gentlemen of Gamers begins the most interesting part of this guide, we're going to begin to touch both the GPU Clock and the Memory Clock.
As you can see in the image what we will do will be to go up the bar, or enter the number you wish to add to the GPU Clock and the Memory Clock, in some cases of graphics come already Overclocks as is my Gigabyte 7950, that stock came to 925 GPU Clock, but from the factory I have uploaded themselves to 1000mhz.
If this is the first time you do Overclock manually I recommend not to upload too often, as much as 25 points per band, where it would be 1025 GPU Clock, and 1275 for the Memory Clock, I always recommend that the Memory Clock this about 150-200 points higher than the Memory Clock.
If applying this rate to the play, does not give your computer any kind of Blue Screen, or the temperatures to the play do not exceed the 80-85Âş, and the system remains stable (that the screen does not produce noise, high contrast, weird colors, flickering screen) mean that the graph a accepted way to correct the values previously applied.
If you are beginners in the subject of the Overclock I do not recommend that you touch the voltage since that is VERY DANGEROUS and if you go up, you have to go up very, very gradually, 1 by 1, if you play with the voltage, burning of the graph and there is no turning back. therefore leave it at that as I come in the graphics, in my case is 1250.
Now we will move with the cursor towards the bar and we're going to move down to see the Power Limit where this, as I have explained in the theoretical part it is advisable to upload it to +20, so that the graph does not lack power to move that frequency extra that will implement it.
Once you have uploaded the Power Limit, we will proceed to give you to apply if we like the settings, we can save in one of the 4 profiles that we have available.
Right click over one of them, and we click "save" when you want to load this profile, we're going to do the same procedure but this time we're going to give to "load".
Once you have applied the Overclock we're going to go to the first program that we have downloaded the GPU-Z to check if the oc that we have echo has been successfully applied to the system.
If you look at the image, at the bottom appear to us to the factory settings (Default Core) and the current values, if you have followed the steps to the letter, can be seen as the values have been modified, by new ones that are the ones that have changed in the Software.
Once the process is completed we will go to software Sapphire TriXX and we're going to go to the tab Settings and we are going to mark the following boxes, so that there is one optimal configuration.
If you have completed this process, and you followed all the steps as I have explained you'll have your graphic with a slight Overclock.
From now on if we want to go higher or lower the frequency will depend on all of you, I recommend creating a profile with the graph with the clocks from the factory, and the other tabs use to go up and go saving all the configurations that are stable, I recommend this so that when it runs out of play, we can return quickly to the factory default settings of the graph.
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What score do you get your?
To finish the guide I'm going to subiros a couple of Benchmarks Using a program very famous that makes you squeeze pretty the graphics card called Valley Benchmark, if someone wants to try it here is the download link.
The configuration that I will use in this test is going to be a 8350 to 4.4 ghz along with a Gigabyte 7950 to 1170 GPU Clock and 1550 Memory Clock. these frequencies are relatively high, but my graphics supports them perfectly.
Result of Benchmark with Overclock.
I invite you toshare the score with your graphics Overclock in the comments, saying the frequency that you are going to use in a Benchmark that uses all your graph, where the processor does not have a relatively importance.
I'm Not responsible of the damage that may cause the Overclock to your graphics cards, in principle, should not happen anything, but as I said this is only a beginner's guide, he remarked that do Overclock TOTALLY NULLIFIES THE FACTORY WARRANTY it is in your responsibility for the consequences that may have an impact.
On another occasion, made a guide of how to do the dual bios to your graphics card going to a higher version, such as, for example, if we have a R9 280 loading the bios from the 280x and flasheandola we can change all the parameters and happen to have this graph or from a 7950 to a 7970. Also I will teach you how to unlock the voltages and much more, related on how to take advantage of all your system.
This is all, I hope you liked this guide how to Overclock your graphics card?. I am open to changes and criticism of the guide as tips to improve it and make this post a guide to the most complete as possible for all who wish to consult, as much as I have made this guide, I remind you thatis dedicated to all users.
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