Speed Up Your Memory Ram | TECNOLOGICS-SITE

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Surely, after the time we noticed that our PC is not as fast as when we bought it. In this first part I am going to teach some tricks to modify the windows registry and we will customize the properties of My COMPUTER , and in the second part desfragment the ram and install 2 programs and special that would help us to Speed up the memory to an Approximate 500% faster and you'll be amazed and just not right now this very fast.





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How Much Memory Ram I Have

First thing is to find out how much RAM we have currently in the machine, because according to this, we will assign different values of virtual memory. So, the first thing we do, is right click on My COMPUTER, and go to Properties. In the first screen, called “General”, you will see how much RAM you have.




Speed Up Your Memory Ram To 500% More Fast 1/2




click the Start button, click Run, type regedit and click the Ok button.









Now in the Windows registry, you must navigate to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Windows/Session Manager/Memory Management

double-click on the entry LargeSystemCache and you put the value 1.






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Download The DLLs From The Memory Ram

All the dlls that remain in memory when you close a program are dlls that do not serve for nothing, except for that occupy memory unnecessarily and reduce your speed work, it is best to force the download of memory, but with this trick we are going to get Windows delete them from memory automatically, to do this follow these steps:


click the Start button, click Run, type regedit and click the Ok button.


Now in the Windows registry you must scroll through the following keys:




In the right pane, you click with the right mouse and choose New and string Value.


You give the name of AlwaysUnloadDll and press the Enter key to keep the new name.


Now you double-click on it and in the window that appears type 1 and press the button Ok.





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Manage The Ram Memory

We can perform various settings in the Windows registry to optimize the subsystem of memory that Windows 10 uses to start make click the Start Button, then Run and write the word Regedit, and finally press the Ok button to open the registry Editor.


Then we move through the following string:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management



Now we set the value of DisablePagingExecutive we will prevent that files executives of Windows 10 are paged on the hard disk, making the Operating System and most programs to run more smoothly.



However, to use this option our system must have a significant amount of RAM memory installed in the system (more than 256 Mb) as this setting consumes a substantial part of the resources of the system. By default, the value content is "0", and to activate it you will change this to "1".




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To Release The Ram Memory

Free memory RAM. After you have run one or multiple applications or games that make intensive use of the resources of the system, we have detected that Windows is something "touched", much more slowly. This is due to the remnants of the application block portion of the RAM that have been used, causing what is called "memory fragmentation".

Using a small script we can release that memory, forcing the computer to download the contents of the memory to the swap file so that reload all the information again active in memory and discard the information is not useful, this is what we will do in the following way:


Open the notepad of Windows, and depending on the memory of our computer we will write the following values:


If you have less than 128 Mb of RAM, you write Mystring=(16000000)

If you have more than 128 Mb of RAM, you write Mystring=(80000000)


Now save this file in the place you want it, with the name "release.vbe"(do not forget to put the extension .vbe since the name does not matter you can put anything you want).


Now we double click on the file you just created and windows will refresh the memory RAM.





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Virtual Memory Is Changed

The virtual memory is essential for the proper functioning of Windows, and although the system is configured automatically when you install the Operating System, we can also assign more memory or less according to our needs.


The virtual memory is a part of the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM, and to configure it, we need to follow these steps.


We click with the right mouse on the icon My COMPUTER located on the Desktop and then click Properties.


Then click the tab Advanced Options button and then Settings.


Tab in the Performance Options click on the tab advanced Options and then in the area of virtual Memory click on Change.



And now, comes the important part. There is always that take into account a factor, and that is the virtual memory that we allocate is approximately 1.5 times the RAM you have. If you have 512 of RAM, will allocate between 768 and 1000's of Virtual Memory. If you have 768 of RAM, it will be assigned 1,152 – 1,200 of Virtual Memory, and so successively. Now, if you have 256 RAM or less, it is recommended to put, as a minimum, 768 of Virtual Memory (the same amount to 512 of RAM). Therefore


256 RAM= 500-768
512 RAM= 768-100
768 RAM= 1,152--1,200
1GB RAM= 1,500-200
2GB RAM= 3,000 4,00
8GB RAM= 6,000 5,00

If you only have a hard disk and a single partition (that is to say, in the box, only see the C drive, lack of options, just leave it in the C: drive
If you have only one hard disk but two partitions (that is to say, despite of having or having bought a single hard disk, this has been divided in two, showing up in Windows as, for example, C: and  put 70-80% of the amount specified in the previous point, always leaving a minimum 200-300 on the C: drive If we had, for example, 512 of RAM, would assign 250 on C:, and D: you would enter 500.



* And finally, if you have two hard drives or more (that is to say, not only partitions, but physical hard disks), it is always advisable to accommodate the largest possible amount in another hard disk that is not where we have the installation of Windows, as usually, Windows will use this other hard disk more efficiently.






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