Do you really need a computer? | TECNOLOGICS-SITE

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Do you really need a computer?

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The evolution of mobile and tablets makes computers become ever more expendable. The new iPad is the latest example.


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="980"]What tablet, smartphone, laptop, or desktop? The future offers many possibilities, but the average user has yet to be opted. What tablet, smartphone, laptop, or desktop? The future offers many possibilities, but the average user has yet to be opted.[/caption]


The TV, the fridge, the microwave... in this list of must-haves in all homes was until very recently also the computer, first and foremost a desktop, but as laptops became cheaper were becoming the protagonists, also in the household. But no one discussed the necessity of having, at least, a computer at home. With the arrival of tablets and the continuing evolution of mobile, this configuration is clearly in question: do we really need a computer at home?

Apple this week has stoked further doubts on this issue by presenting an evolution a lot more professional of their combined iPad Pro-iOS, promoting precisely the platform on those aspects in which he was criticized by those who denied the existence of the “post-PC era”. This term was used by the creator of the company, Steve Jobs, already heralded an era in which the computer was not essential in the homes, and the arguments to defend this thesis were sufficiently solvent: the bulk of the users used the computer to surf the web, read emails or update social networksDo you need a full PC just for that?


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If this question was ask a millennial (born between the eighties and the year 2000) we would look with a face of unbelief: an analysis of ComScore confirms that 20% of teens exclusively use a mobile operating system (smartphone or tablet) and for them the computer is history. Manufacturers move in this direction, between two waters, and is that beyond the hardware, what really makes the difference is the operating system: Microsoft continues to defend the thesis of employing a single platform -Windows 10, today - for everything, while Apple maintains two saucers spinning in the air simultaneously, iOS and macOS.


"What is happening to take place this change of habits? Again, the fault of the mobile."


The two approaches are completely different to the same problem: an operating system desktop (more capable, but slower and need more resources) or one mobile (lightning fast and very lightweight on requirements refers). And to increase more, if possible, the confusion, the user does not finish opt clearly for one option or the other: a study from Deloitte predicts a bump in the sales of tablet's at the time that the computers are stabilized in the market after years of decline in sales in a row. What is happening to take place this change of habits? Again, the fault of the mobile.

According to the analysts of the firm, as it has grown the screen of smartphones the need of tablets has been losing points. Why buy two computers basically the same and the difference is only inches from your screen? In this sense, Deloitte claims that the more young people drop the tablets in favor of laptops, increasingly lighter and more economical. Is it worth it to buy a computer at home, then? Will depend on the use you want to make of the device, although from IDC Spain the analyst Laura Castillo confirms to THE COUNTRY that convertibles are the devices that registered the greatest growth at the expense of the tablets, and traditional computersConvertibles are a hybrid between laptop and tablet, but with the particularity that are equipped with an operating system desktop“The market is choosing these devices for convenience,” explains Castillo. In this sense, for the overwhelming majority of the households and to stick to patterns of use, with a tablet it would be enough to browse the web, check email and manage social networks.


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