WhatsApp Business, list for Android | TECNOLOGICS-SITE

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WhatsApp Business, list for Android

WhatsApp Business will be the new service of the firm of Mark Zuckerberg for companiesWe have been receiving information of this new service for months, and we know that will be the way you talk about the companies with their customers within the service of instant messaging that we have spent years using millions of usersAnd more recently we know that you will have your own applicationNow, what we know is that it is about to come to Android.

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Of time WhatsApp Business is going through internal testing that the firm of Mark Zuckerberg is being conducted with several selected companiesIn the last few weeks have begun to appear the first audited accounts –company-, but by the time we did not have detail any of the application WhatsApp Business that will land you to these businesses who want to use the platform to converse with their customers and provide a complementary service through the app of instant messaging.

"It is very likely that the fall of WhatsApp in the U.S. –the first- and in LATAM and Europe –later- this has much to do with the advancement of WhatsApp Business in its developmentAnd with the migration of WhatsApp to the servers of Facebook."

WhatsApp Business will come before Android and iOS, but are available to all?

It is not too much information that we have about the application WhatsApp BusinessIt is unknown if it will keep the same interface of user that WhatsApp in version for the public- although this has been uncovered days ago which will have special functionsFor example, in this application, companies will have the ability to configure automatic replies, broadcast lists that are segmented and will also be able to have bots for different functions. And although there is no confirmation, it is evident that there will be new forms of organization of the conversations.

For the moment, the code com.whatsapp.w4b is now enabled internally. It is in this direction that will be available the new application WhatsApp Business Android in a matter of weeks, and where businesses will be able to download this new platform of conversation with their customers. For iOS, for the moment, it appears that the development –or distribution- is slightly less advanced. Probably, because on Android will arrive some weeks before with access in the form of a beta to do a test with more users.


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