The invisible box, the viral challenge that triumphs in social networks | TECNOLOGICS-SITE

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The invisible box, the viral challenge that triumphs in social networks

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The challenge of the box invisible has become quite a hit on the social networks but to achieve to overcome it takes more than will that you with other challenges that went viral in recent years.



The well-known in English as the Invisible box challenge,is to step on an imaginary box with one foot, and skip with the other while the first remains fixed in the air.



Some media suggest that its origin is in 2014 but it was not until the end of last week that the young Ariel Olivar, a cheerleader in the football team of Manvel, Texas popularized by posting your attempt successful on Twitter.



The post has already over 300.000 "likes" on the social network and thousands of users posted videos in which they are seen trying to pass the challenge.







What is striking about this challenge is that it is very visual because it seems like a magic trick that makes you walk in the air.



The task, in reality, is not simple and like the net is filled with people who managed to pass the challenge, there are also many failures.






Also gave rise to many jokes.








Why is it so difficult?

The big difference between this and other challenges that became popular on the internet in the past is that this not only applies to be willing to do that, as happened with the mannequins (Mannequin challenge) or ice cube (Ice bucket challenge).



The trick, explained in the social networks those who have achieved the feat, is to keep the foot that is on the imaginary box in a fixed point, without moving it, and upload the other one well above that is "supported".



But for ellose really need a good physical condition.





[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="624"]Woman and fit man with underwear You are more likely to overcome the challenge if you are in good shape, experts say.[/caption]





According to personal trainer Scott Laidler one must be "agile, flexible and strong".



In addition, he told the british newspaper The Telegraph, you have to have good abdominal strength and well-worked muscles of the leg and the shin, which will help you to maintain a stable leg that simulates being on the box.



The expert says that the movement is "high-level" and "complex", and that those who practice Yoga or Pilates, like dancers and athletes, are more likely to overcome it.



And you, do you dare?



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